January 25, 2011

Semester in Review

I. Love. My school. Whooooooaaaaaah. Where did that come from?

I know. I know. It kinda came on suddenly. It's a long story. But last week when my feet touched the campus pavement I realized I was glad to be back... and by the end of the day Friday the words were dancing in my mind and playing on my lips... I?? LOVE??? my school?!!!!

Maybe I'll have changed my mind by the end of the week. But for now I'll explain.

I suppose there are lots of reasons. As one friend said, "Wow. you've gotten older. You're like an old woman!" He was referring to my previous post, (about growing in knowledge and wisdom), and certainly this semester has made me older, in that way. One doesn't fall in love with hallways and teachers and people because you're been around on the earth four months longer.

My friend David told me half-way through the semester that, though it had taken a while, he thought he'd miss our college. He hadn't always felt that way (and I thought I never would) but it seems that having a personal connection with the place was what made the defining difference.

And I have made friends. Tables, chairs, hallways- all now hold fond memories. 

Did I ever tell you my campus is beautiful? It is. It sits atop a ridge- you can see out for miles- over the clouds, rising mountains, sun-rise, sun-set.

But there's more, too. And that is that I love making a difference. I doubt I could have had such an impact at a Christian school... I love witnessing- sharing the truth and life of the Gospel with people who have never heard- or have only heard twisted mutations which left them confused, angry, and contemptuous. I love brightening people's days with a smile (I am amazed by how many faces I have come to know through countless minute interactions). I love making a difference in the classroom- being a lone voice amongst varying shades of godlessness. (Diversity for the win!)

I see now why God didn't let me go where I had wanted to go. And why he has me where he does. I am amazed by how he has used me in other's lives- and how he is using my college and the people I have met to mold me and grow me and bless me and make me more like Him.

So yeah. I love my school. And I'm glad to be back. Semester, here I come.


  1. This is EXACTLY how I felt during the last few months at Dutchess, especially with all the campus ministry. I'm so happy that your enjoying it!!! Like really happy!

  2. Yes. Yes. Yes yes yes! I am experiencing much the same at my school, a blessing every day of "Thank you God for bringing me here!" I never thought I would love it. But my heart is softening.

    And how glad I am for you, Lin! How great is our God!

  3. Yesss, I understand now. :-) Thank you, David. :-)

    Ah, I'm sooo glad you are, too, Hayley! Yes! Yes! Yes! Our God is good- mighty, strong- and he turns our hearts like streams. :-)
