September 27, 2012

Gogyohka-Thursday [99 & 100]

This is my last Gogyohka-Thursday on Salt-Rain Tidings. It's been delightful. And yes, unless some honest-to-goodness salt-rain falls, this is also my last post on my beloved Salt-Rain Tidings. I am so thankful for the time we've had... for your support, encouragement, understanding--for reading. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have blessed me beyond words can express. If you're interested in other blogging of mine, please message me. God bless and keep you,
             -L.E. Fiore

We've had our days

our years, two

but now it seems time

to say good-bye

to You.

So wish me well!

and every good thing.

And may the seas we sail

to heaven's shore

 us bring.


  1. Love them both! Especially the last one. :) <3

  2. Thanks for understanding, Liz, and encouraging me. :) <3 you.
